Gingivitis and Periodontitis

Gingivitis and Periodontitis

Prevention and treatment of gum disease for our Bromley patients.

Gum disease is a growing problem in the UK. In fact, it is one of the leading causes of tooth loss if not treated early enough.

Gum disease usually occurs when the bacteria in our mouth become excessive and stick to the teeth and gums, hardening on them and eventually creating the substance we know as tartar or calculus. From here, gum disease can start.

Most of us will have some minor degree of gum disease during our lives; most of this will go unnoticed however and will be rectified naturally, providing that we have a good daily cleaning routine.

Even this routine though may not be enough.


One of the most common symptoms of gum disease is when blood is detected in the saliva following brushing. This is not the only symptom however and sore gums or bad breath may also indicate a problem.

If you spot any of these signs, you should make an appointment at our Bromley dental practice as soon as you can.

Early stage gum disease (gingivitis), actually may not have any symptoms, but can still cause dental problems. Even worse, the lack of symptoms may lead to it being left untreated, leading to periodontitis, a more serious problem altogether.

Dental care

For this reason, we always recommend that patients of the Smile Dental Practice in Bromley attend our surgery at least twice a year for check ups. However well you may feel that you brush and floss your teeth, there are areas where this is notoriously difficult, and it is often in these areas that gum disease can occur.

If we detect early signs of gum disease, there are two possible routes that may be taken.

The first of these is simply to suggest ways that you may improve your oral health care at home. In many cases, these simple improvements alone are sufficient to clear the problem.

If the problem is a little more advanced, our dental team may scale and polish the teeth more regularly than usual to remove any hardened deposits that brushing alone would not remove.

It is important that any gum disease issues are dealt with early on as the more advanced form of gum disease (periodontitis) can lead to deterioration in the bone that holds the teeth in place. When this occurs, tooth loss is possible.

To ensure that you remain gum disease free, a regular brushing and flossing regime is important, supported by regular hygiene check ups at our Bromley dental practice.

Call us now on 020 8462 2473.